Responsible for the development, maintenance and dissemination of Standards on food, Agriculture, Chemistry and Materials.

The Food, Chemistry, Material Standards and Engineering departments are the proposed units that would make up the Standards Department.

  1. Food and Agriculture standards,
  2. Chemistry standards
  3. Materials and Textiles standards
  4. Engineering standards

The department also hosts the National Codex Contact Point.

The Department also represents the Bureau on several national policy making committees in providing technical advice on issues relating to standardization in the areas mentioned.

The Department contributes to international and regional standardization efforts in the development and harmonization of International and Regional Standards with organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), African Organization for Standardization and the ECOWAS Commission under the ECOWAS Standards Harmonization Mechanism (ECOSHAM). This is done through National Mirror Committees made up of relevant stakeholders.

  1. Food and Agricultural Standards Unit

The food and agricultural standards unit would be responsible to develop, maintain and disseminate standards for processed foods, raw agricultural produce and fertilizers, for industry, regulators, government, consumers etc.

The Department hosts the Focal Desk of the ECOWAS Standards under the Harmonization mechanism (ECOSHAM) for Food and Co-hosts the Focal Desk for International Organisation of Standardization (ISO) National Mirror Committee on Cocoa a twinning arrangement between Ghana Standards Authority and the Netherlands Standardization Institute.

  1. Chemistry Standards Unit

The chemistry standards unit would be responsible to develop standards for areas such as paints, varnishes, lubricants, soaps, detergents, cosmetics, plastics, rubber, paper, water, petroleum, rubber, environmental quality and herbal medicine etc.

  1. Textiles Standards Unit

The textiles Standards Unit would be responsible to develop standards for various textile fabrics and leather as well as provides specifications for garments, ornaments and handicraft.

  1. Engineering Standards Unit

This Unit would be responsible for the development, maintenance and dissemination of Standards in the following areas:

  • Electro technical Products
  • Building and General Construction
  • Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy
  • Metrology and Measurement
  • Renewable Energy Resources
  • Automobiles
  • Telecommunication and ICT Equipment
  • Oil and Gas
  • Management Systems

The Department contributes to international and regional standardization efforts in the development and harmonization of International and Regional Standards with organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electro technical Commission (IEC) and the ECOWAS Commission under the ECOWAS Standards Harmonization Mechanism (ECOSHAM). This is done through National Mirror Committees made up of relevant stakeholders.

The Department also represents the Bureau on several national policy making committees in providing technical advice on issues related to standardization in engineering

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